Friday, December 25, 2009
Things happened!
Last night I couldn't sleep, and while I was trying to fall asleep, I made the decision:
I'm going to buy a video camera. The thing is, I really like film. I like filming, I like being filmed, I like writing, I like directing, I like all of it. Recently, my dad was like "oh I have an extra video camera" so I was like FJKLALJFASLJF!!! and I took it of course. It turned out to be really poor quality, and I used it for a wellness project but was very disappointed.
Then I really started thinking. I really like film. I love film. I could see myself doing film for a living, majoring in some sort of film, acting, filming, I don't even know. Film is something that I have a definite strong interest in. Yet, I don't even have a decent camera. And I always think "Oh at some point" But why is now not that point? I should just go for it.
So I did. I spent hours looking and comparing and searching, and I found 3 similar $500 Canon Vixia cameras. I'm like 95% one of them is the one I'm gonna get. They're pretty much as perfect as I'm gonna be able to get without going professional.
So yeah, that got decided.
Then, I started rewriting some of my short film. I am in the process of writing it, and I kept hitting road bumps. I dislike what I wrote and delete it. I lose direction. I feel out of touch with a character. Basically I just couldn't get it past the first half a page. Today, I rewrote it too two pages, and I actually liked it enough. Then I sent it to Tim, and he said he liked it which was a huge confidence boost. I feel like I might actually be able to finish this thing.
I also got a new editing program that's really nice, so basically filmwise I'm feeling good. Unless we see some sort of huge day after christmas deal on saturday, I should be decided on what camera I'm gonna get over vacation, and I'll have it when I get back to MSSM. Oh man, I'm really excited just thinking about it.
I can already tell I'm going to be obsessed and overprotective with it. It shall be my baby. Heheheheheheeheheh (I'm creepy)
James out.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Pulp Fiction Review
First of all, this movie is awesome. Like theres no other way to describe it, it's just awesome. It's hilarious and intense and incredibly quotable. In some ways it even has deeper meanings and satirizes culture and various movies. Basically whether your looking for an epic hilarious movie or something really well made and high quality, this is it.
If I had one complaint, it's that the middle section (the one with Bruce Willis) is not nearly as good as the others, in my opinion. It really only had one hilarious moment (the Hammer, Bat, Chainsaw, Katana sequence) and was really vulgar and had some scenes that were painful to watch (like one moment where you saw a man being raped). The other two sections were top notch and I felt like all of the violence and stuff added to the movie, but this one I felt was excessively vulgar and dragged on the most.
Overall, I just wanted to say how much I liked almost all of this movie.
Friday, December 4, 2009
I want to start giving you guys a general idea of what my life is like now, and I have not been. That will change soon!
Today was uninteresting, but I will start soon. No! I PROMISE! I SWEAR!
Also, I shall start introducing some of the people who I've become amigos with. Be excited. I haven't really told anyone from MSSM about this blog, but it's on my facebook so who knows maybe someone reads it?
Are you out there MSSM'er? WHO ARE YOUUUUUU!?!??!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Facebook Status thing
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
"Desmond says to Molly girl I like your face
and Molly says this as she takes him by the hand
Ob La Di Ob La Da Life goes on Bra
La la how the life goes on...
What does this mean?!?!?!?!?!?! He likes her face?! When did bra's become involved!??!?!!? WHEN DID BLA'S GET IN THE MIX?!?! I THOUGHT WE WERE DEALING STRICTLY WITH OB'S LA'S DI'S AND DA'S?!?!?
I love the Beatles
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
TIme flies
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Oh tim
he wants me to make a blog post
I'm busy.
The way I see it, this post is a win win.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
I got into acapella YAAAYYYY!
I'm likin some people here
I'm doing the song I wrote and stand-up for the variety show.
Dr. Horrible is still awesome.
I think yesterday might have been the funniest situation I have ever been in.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
Sanyo Xacti Commercial *Update 1*
I have 35 days to catch up, so KEEP VOTING GUYS
Sunday, August 2, 2009
So I uploaded a video to this contest online and if I win I get $5000 and an amazing camera, so please make an account and vote for me every day!!!!!! It would really be unbelievably amazing if I won and it would change the way I film and make videos!!!
Friday, July 31, 2009
I found out that there is no theater class at MSSM next year. I feel like college and futurewise, going to KHS will leave me no better of theatrically because even though KHS has a fantastic theater program, it's not a theater school and neither is MSSM so they would probably put me in the same place in that way.
So the only thing is, would I be happier at KHS in that way? I mean Kennebunk has local theaters, 3 plays with Mr. Lewia and a new guy, a film festival, and theater classes. I mean I am really going to miss all of that stuff.
But at the same time, MSSM has open mike nights (basically, I think they're called something else), student run shows, 24 hour plays written directed and acted all by students. I just don't know.
Also, sense the old theater teacher has left MSSM it seems like a lot of what I could be doing there is still up in the air. How many plays are there going to be a year? Who will direct them? Etc.
I suppose at this point I am commited to going to MSSM, and going for a year might be good because I will finally know if it is the right place for me and not have to spend my life what if-ing.
Also, if KHS does one acts and MSSM doesn't I am going to be SOO mad!
Change is scary when you don't know what to expect!!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
How I watch musicals
For example, in the heights. In the heights was very good, but frankly I didn't love it .I feel so guilty when I don't love things that are that expensive, but let me get to the point.
I had never heard the soundtrack, it was not the original cast, it is kind of a fluff musical, and I sat in the second row. I've come to the conclusion that these are all the wrong ways to do it.
1.) Soundtrack. I love me some musicals, but if there is one problem that almost all of them have is that it is really hard to understand the lyrics. That is why I think I've decided it is better to listen to the soundtrack first like one time, just so you know what's going on.
For example, the 3 broadway shows I've seen are In the Heights, Spring Awakening, and Avenue Q. For the first two, I had never heard the soundtrack before and didn't understand a lot of the lyrics, which took a lot away from it. Spring Awakening was the extreme, because at times I had no idea what was going on. That was also because those lyrics are non literal, but anyway.
2.) Original cast. Obviously it is not always the right choice to see the original cast, but I always seem to regret it when I don't. For example, when I saw Spring awakening I thought I should have seen in the heights with the original. When I saw In the Heights I was extremely disappointed when I found out it wasn't original cast, and I am now thinking I should have seen Next to Normal because if I ever get an opportunity to see it now I will not get to see it with original cast probably.
3.) Fluff Musicals. I generally enjoy musicals that are about something not just entertainment if that makes sense. In the Heights was at it's core about dance and good music and that's fine but I've decided I prefer things with really good plots, like Blood brothers or Spring awakening. Or comedies, of course.
4.) Farther back. I think I like sitting farther back. It gives you more of a feel for the whole show, instead of just seeing fragments. I think that is another reason I didn't love in the heights because complicated dance numbers are hard to see from a foot away. This rule ESPECIALLY applies for dance musicals, not as important for non dancey big ones.
Of course there are always exceptions, but in general that is what I've realized. I think in order of enjoyment, the musicals I've seen go
1.) Blood Brothers
2.) Avenue Q
3.) Spring Awakening
4.) In the Heights
I left out Sweeney Todd and Wicked because they were both made less enjoyable by the fact that I had seen a previous version of them (I saw wicked in LA like 4 years ago but It was to long ago to remember exactly how much I liked it)
I think I should have seen Next to Normal. Of course my mom was really the one who chose in the heights so I shouldn't regret that too much.
I am glad that I have alienated all non musical loving readers.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Review: Once
So I just finished Once, and it was really good. If you haven't heard of once you have probably heard the song "Falling Slowly" (, which is from the movie.
Overall, I really liked it. It was a very odd movie. It was odd in the way that... I don't really know what to say. You kind of have to see it to understand exactly what it is... but It's like nothing you've ever seen.
It is very real, and human, and really doesn't play out like any other movie.
Basically it is about these two poor nameless people living in Dublin who are amazing at music and sort of come together through that, both coming out better than they started. At first look it would seem like a romance about how they fall in love, but it really isn't like that. I mean at times it can be looked at like that, but in some ways it's really more about the music...
I don't know, that's the weird thing about it. It is not a normal movie, or musical for that matter, it's just a simple pretty realistic story about what happens to two people after they meet. It doesn't have a movie ending or plot to it... it's just enjoyable and human.
However it is not perfect. Because of it's realism it is in some ways a little unsatisfying and strange, but compared to it's pros that is a small complaint.
Also I didn't even mention because I thought of it as sort of a given, the music and performances are all fantastic and perfect.
Overall, 9/10. SEE IT!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
I don't think either off them or on any form of Broadway, or anything like that. They are just both really really good musicals that I wanna see. The Last 5 Years I kind of discovered because of MirandaSings because she was in it, but it's really good. At graduation a couple people preformed the opening song from Songs For A New World and it was really good, and it just seems like a really cool musical. Coincidentally they both are written by the same composer/lyricist, Jason Robert Brown.
I don't know if I will get to see either of them anytime soon, but I would reaaaally love to. Last 5 years is about a relationship between 2 people, but it's told in a really cool way. The girl starts the show at the break up and moves backwards and the guy moves forwards, and in the whole show the 2 only have one scene together which is directly in the middle at their wedding. It's really cool, and it's really good. The only thing is it only has 2 people in the cast, so a school would never do it and local small theaters probably wouldn't be too into the idea.
Songs For a New world is really weird, and I don't exactly understand what it is, which makes it more interesting. It isn't really a piece of musical theater, but it isn't really a song cycle. Here are two quotes from wikipedia kind of explaining it.
"The show sits on the boundary between musical and song cycle, but it is neither; it is an abstract musical, a series of songs all connected by theme rather than narrative. The show employs four performers who do not literally play the same characters throughout the show but who do have consistently developing character arcs nonetheless."
"Composer Jason Robert Brown has said of his show, "It's about one moment. It's about hitting the wall and having to make a choice, or take a stand, or turn around and go back."
That one gets preformed at a lot of small theaters though, so I might get to see it sometime in the near future.
So yeah! I felt like sharing
Sunday, July 12, 2009
MSSM course desicions
Math, Science, and English are decided by placement tests, so I don't need to worry about that.
The school decided that for your first semester, you can only take 4 academic classes. I guess it's because the workload at MSSM is really different so they want people to realize how much work 4 classes is before they take 5 or something like that.
That left me with 1 spot for an academic class. Generally people choose a foreign language, and I like spanish (and the guy who taught my brother, who apparently was a horrible spanish teacher, is gone now) so I chose spanish. They said to go into intermediate spanish, and if the teacher thinks that people need to change up or down he will just do so in the first week. This means I will have no history class this year. =D YAYYYYYYYY!!!!!
Also, it appears that there are only 3 spanish classes, and sense I would not be going into introduction to spanish, I might run out before I finish, unless I misunderstood the schedule.
I'll probably choose Psychology for my next history class, and then hopefull avoid taking anymore history at all! That would be ahhhhsomeee!
Then I think I am going to do chorus as a fine art, and that leaves my health/fitness credit. The only 4 that seemed likely I would do were 1.) Dance - Because dancing is awesome and fun and it would be cool to actaully take a class and get better
2.) Cardio/Weight training - No real explination it would just be good to be working out and stay in good shape
3.) Wellness - I don't really want to, but at some point I have to, it's basically Health at MSSM
4.) Boffer
Boffer seems kind of ridiculous but kind of awesome. Basically I've got the impression it's a bunch of people attacking each other with foam weapons, but it counts for a fitness credit. You don't have to take Boffer as a class though, you can just go for fun.
Also, I might have to take Wellness this year because it says that it is neccesary for incoming students who have not taken health. I don't know if I have to take it this year, or just at some point though.
I think I'll probably end up doing Wellness as my class this year, and Boffer for fun. The health/fitness classes are 2 hours a week, usually 2 1 hour meetings, so neither one is a huge deal to do.
So yeah, hopefully my schedule will be a bucket of fun
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Poll results
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
A fun thing to do
Usually they don't say anything.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
List of books to read edition 2!!!
I went to the books store in kennebunkport today for the first time, and it reminded me of some books I wanted to read.
So here is the new and improved books to read list
Twilight - I'm about 70 pages in, I will review it once I finish. So far I still don't like it very much, but I don't know if I ever will being not a teen girl
Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs - I wanna read you
Atlas Shrugged - MAYBE. It's over 1000 pages long but I do want to read it
The Shack - This book seems really cool. Like kind of horrorish but at the same time it's supposed to address religion in many ways, epic
The Perks of Being a Wallflower - I read like the first 150 pages of this and I still need to finish it (my library time ran out)
Wicked - I'm not sure if I will read this, but I'm interested.
So yeah theres my list!
Review: Your face
As you may have noticed, I took the poll advice and moved the reviews to this blog, but keep them as separate posts.
I also just remembered that I have forgotten to do song of the day for like the last 2 months. Hmm... I don't have one for this post.
Anyway. ONE MORE POLL!!!
What I mean by my misspelled separate (don't judge me it's too late to change it now) is I would think of something different that I would do on that blog. I don't know what it would be yet, but I would think of something.
The other blog is here by the way
Then billy mays. MAN! There is nothing bad you can say about Billy Mays.
And farrah fawcett and ed mcmahon! I don't really know them, but there is definitely a conspiracy.
I don't know. But if another celebrity dies then I'm gonna be scared.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Tom's Party!!!
At first, to be honest I thought it was kind of lame. I joined badmitten and it was okay but I was like "meh". It got better as it went on though and became AWESOME! I began playing badmitten with a bat and yelling WHAT NOW whenever I actaully managed to hit it, and the game became mostly me Ben sarah and some other kid I forget his name. I also talked pretty seriously about some stuff with Tom and Katie, talked seriously a tiny bit with Sarah and Ben, and just generally had fun and hung out. We made these pretty gangsta heezy raps (fo sho), and me and Katie took like an hour to finally make a sexy pose picture (Whenever one of us looked sexalicious I would look high or creepy or she would look to happy about the apparent sex we were happing it was so stressful). So yeah. I suppose not much more to say, but it was a really fun party
Graduation Ceremonies
Then we watched the slide show (which was alright) and the senior video. It was really clever, it was about swine flu, and they took like the stereotypes of a bunch of seniors and made it about them... it's kind of hard to explain. But like they had one part about how Abby Ackley was obsessed with kittens and Joey and she died because she stayed in a room with a fake joey instead of leaving. It sounds kind of stupid, but it was really funny, except I couldn't hear some of it (gr sadness).
Then there was seniors last assembly, which I REAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLY liked. It was wicked fun!! I sat with peoplez in chorus and Courtney and Ryan Stinson. It was fun. I don't know Courtney or Ryan that well, but I like them. Then the chorus and chamber choir got up and sang Blackbird. I was expecting it not to be great, but it actually went really really well. I was almost perfect (not great on "Into the light" from "into the light of the dark black night" but otherwise awesome.
Then I wanted to talk to people for a second more, and my mom sort of just went "Okay Helen's mom will give you a ride home bye" and left. But I do not regret it!
ALSO, I was wearing this really nice dress shirt we got at american eagle. I like wearing nice clothes, I feel SEXY. But damn I was lookin' FIIINEEEEE. Tom Cherry agreed.
ANYwho. Then I hung out with Mackenzie mostly, and Kristin Mackenzie recruited half of the front row of the band to communicate the message "mayonaise" (They started mouthing it and then motioning making a sandwich as I said things like "Knife? Bread? Peanut butter? WHAT?!") which was sort of an inside joke (it started in the musical with James MAHA but whenever someone says Mayonaise I start fake laughing really hard (HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA)
I also sat with Morgan and Angie for a tiny bit but they didn't seem to want to talk.
Then at the end I talked to a couple seniors, and said bye and stuff. I tried to convince Conner and Mike Schwebler to do the musical but they lamely didn't (It ended up being cancelled) and I talked to people and stuff. Overall, it was a jolly good time.
Don't Drink the Water
1.) You are reading this
2.) You are a people
THEN WE SHOULD HANG OUT SOON!!!) So I am finally gonna get started on my monster explosion blogging sesh! STEP ONE: The PLAY!
So I was so excited at first! And as it went on, the accent was killing me! I started getting it towards the end. And then there was the matter of missing like 5 days of rehearsal. Overall, it was a nerve wracking time before the show came on.
I did love rehearsals though. That was not a good time for me (the general time that the play was going on) but the play rehearsals made it livable, because I liked people there and they liked me. Plays and advisory are basically how I survived this year, but anyway back to the point.
Opening night. We show up about an hour and a half early to get costumes and prepare and stuff, and it's usually a jolly good time. This play was no different. I got in costume, and hung out with the cast.
I don't remember if it was opening night, but night we were backstage before the show making up pickup lines, and it was kind of amazing. I think it was like Joey Christian and Mike Sampson and I joined in. I think the best one I came up with was "Are you a bagel? Because you look like something I'd like to have sex with."
I am good at getting off subject! So, opening night. I suddenly got really nervous right before I went on. I guess it was because I was the first person on stage. I started the show, and that was the first time I had ever done that. So I was rather nervous. It was just me and Christian on that side of the stage, and during the three nights we talked about life the universe and everything (I am a nerd and you should get that reference). I think the nerves showed a little, and I moved a little fast during the opening monologue.
I was also a little nervous because 1.) My accent (in my opinion) never really became great. I mean I think it was fine by opening night, but just barely.
2.) We really hadn't rehearsed enough
and 3.) The audience was tiny and didn't laugh. It was horrible, just the experience of that night. I really had almost no fun (except during the straight jacket part xD) because I was so nervous and unhappy with how many laughs we were getting and how many people were in the audience.
People seemed to like it though, so I don't know. Hopefully it was just because they were small that there wasn't much laughter, I really don't know. Also, there were a LOT of mistakes. A ton of tech mistakes, a couple line mistakes, and just little things. We really could have used that extra rehearsal.
My brother Josh went opening night.
NIGHT 2: Almost as bad as opening night. In my opinion it was a little better, but it was still pretty bad. Small audience, didn't laugh much, bleh bleh bleh. I made more mistakes, but I thought I had a better performance.
CLOSING NIGHT: What I was hoping the other nights would be like!! It was great! There was a pretty big audience, and they laughed a lot. I really loved it, and I felt like they did too. The only big mistake I remember is that the blank Travis fired when Walter shoots Kilroy was empty and didn't make a sound. Otherwise, fantastic. I really liked doing it, and thats what I wish all three nights were like.
Then the cast party, which was great. It was at Mike Sampsons house (he had the one for The Laramie Project) and it was really fun. I ate good noms, played pool with Travis (Who by the way, was really LAME and quit the show for tennis, but then did backstage), and talked with everyone. Then Christian gave me a ride home, and it was OVAR.
Overall, great rehearsals, great to be with different people who I like and like me, horrible first two nights, and great closing. I love actingg haha.
I kind of wish I was a junior or senior, because most of the people in the school I really like are juniors or seniors. Of course, thats not to say that there aren't some pretty amazing sophomores and freshman
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
God I need more time!!!
I will (FINALLY) talk about the play and stuff. Each night that is. Bad bad good!
The graduation ceremonies
Tom's Party
My realization
My feelings about the end of the year
And this year in retrospect
Expect either a giant monster post or a giant monster post cleverly split into multiple mini monster posts!
Be excited
Sunday, May 31, 2009

The thing that I really like about this ad I saw on yahoo is the fact that it boldly exclaims "A FULLY ACCREDITED UNIVERSITY" as if this is a great reason to go here. They basically said "Come here because we are a college" It's not a great claim, it's a necessity. Some colleges advertise their great educations, and nice campuses, but not Phoenix. They choose to advertise that they are in fact, a college. It would be if I was selling food and I put "100% edible on the front".

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
I need to blog more on this blog!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Hey Ben(kenobee)?!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
I really don't know how to describe it, I just loove it. My gifts are almost always either really thoughtful, or really random (in a humorous way) intentionally.
I think I talked about this a bit in a previous post... here it is:
Alright, well my attempts to explain it have not gone well, but the point remains; James like give gifts.
I haven't blogged in a while! I guess it's just because I have no free time.
Quick update on life: I actually have been feeling pretty good recently. I mean not great, but not terrible. I think of myself last year as a different person almost. I feel like all of my previous accomplishments don't mean anything anymore. I guess it's because of the overwhelming "it was better last year" feeling I've had all year, which has made me feel unsure about everything.
It happened twice today. During the morning I was talking to Sarah about her sister, and how her sister said I had gotten more attractive (she said this last year) and in my head I was like "yeah but now I'm not"
Or we were talking about stand-up and stuff.
Did I ever tell the stand up story? Quick tangent.
So in Australia I developed a stand up routine for a talent show, and it went really well. Then for the thanksgiving dinner in 8th grade I did stand up again, and it went pretty well. Then for a spanish talent show, last minute I decided to do it, and it went really well! Like awesome, thrilling, indescribably amazingly (at least on my part, stand up is an amazing feeling, at least when it goes well). Then biddeford invited me to do stand up for their talent show because they liked me at the spanish one and it went even better!!!! Then at the very end of the year, Mrs. Wakeland told me I should ask Mrs. Farr if I could do it at graduation, and she said I could do it when we get year books.
So I was all prepared, I had a routine with some stuff that people had heard and some stuff that people hadn't (half of the group had heard one part, the other had heard the other, it was a team thing). I got up on stage, and started. Nobody laughed. Nobody. They just talked, and stuff. Oh my god, it was the worst stage experience I've ever had and one of the most stressful in my life. As it went on, I became more flustered and attempted to get their attention but it didn't work. I originally had like 10 minutes of stuff planned. I think I did like, the introduction, one thing in the middle, and the very end and got down in like 4 minutes. God it was terrible.
I really really really hope it was just that they weren't paying attention. Tim said it was because they had heard it before. The problem was I got so stressed out and flustered I rushed through and skipped a lot of the stuff people hadn't heard before, so many the one thing that might have gotten their attention I skipped. Anyway, I haven't preformed sense then, and I hope so much that I didn't lose it and that it was just one bad preformance.
ANYWAY, so in advisory somehow stand up came up, and I mentioned that I had done it. And I sort of felt like my past acheivements meant nothing. I had to re prove to myself that I could do it.
I want to preform stand up sometime soon, Joey said there are local comedy clubs I could try (before 9), I wanna check that out.
Oh, one more thing. So play rehearsals, going decently. Except for one thing. My accent. It is the most difficult thing ever. My current accent sounds like a mix between Indian and Italian. I am supposed to be eastern european/russian. Not going well. Hopefully I will pick it up. We off book (memorized) tomorrow, so I should probably be working on that. Tomorrow should be a good day, no big homework, no tough classes, play rehearsal, and then Hannah's party *Is excited*!!! G'night, see you later
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Summer Job
My mom wants me to get a summer job. I am sort of indifferent. I would not love having a job, but I am not super against it. Last summer I would have said no because last summer I was hanging out with friends every day. Judging by recent times, it does not appear that that is going to happen again this summer. Instead, I do not know what I will be doing. So far the only 2 things I would say I am sure about (and i'm not even completely sure about then I just think I am doing them) 1.) The high school summer musical (DID I JUST COME UP WITH AN AWESOME TITLE FOR A NEW DISNEY MUSICAL OR WHAT?!?!) and 2.) Going to California.
So the thing about getting a job is, people are doing that now. I still don't know if I really want one or have time for one, but it seems like my mom is going to make me get one either way. Where though? In math ed and Jake were talking about bennets and I was like "oh I should try and get a job there" and they were both like NO which could have been a "We don't want you working at a place I might work" no or a "They don't have room" no. Either way, no bennets for james.
I doubt I will and I know these are kind of generic wants, but I would love to find a job where I either seem my friends a lot, or I know someone who works there. Sometime soon I will go job hunting in the port.
Wish me luck!
Song of the day - It All Makes Sense At The End - Molly Lewis
Monday, April 6, 2009
Slight change since last post
This is for anyone who wants to just know my impression of you or anything, so even if we are not good friends, and you want to know, then ask! So yeah! This should be interesting
The generic question will be "What do you honestly think of me" so if you send me an email (, message, or anything make that the subject so I will know what it is.
We need to talk
The point of making this, was if you want to talk to me, like I said, there is like an 80% chance I will have something to say to you, and if you are sure you want to hear what I am feeling/have to say, then ask me because I will be willing to.
I hope this doesn't seem like a desperate grab for attention or something, I just feel like this is a good way to do this, to find out who wants to talk and who would rather not. So yeah, if you are feeling the same way too or are just wondering if I have anything to say to you, then talk to me, IM me, facebook me, comment me, or whatever, but I do think that good will come out of it.
I am so bad at expressing my feelings, so I don't know if you really understood that or not... but yeah..?!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Playlist of the month - March, 2009
Scrubs Interns Theme Song - The Blanks
My Life Would Suck Without You - Kelly Clarkson
Golden Train - Justin Nozuka
Be Ok - Ingrid Michaelson
I Can't Stay - The Killers
Homecoming - Kanye West Feat. Chris Martin
You and I - Ingrid Michaelson
Oh Diogenes! - Original Broadway Cast "Boys From Syracuse"
Come With Me - Original Broadway Cast "Boys From Syracuse"
Finale - Original Broadway Cast "Boys From Syracuse"
Creep (Live) - Ingrid Michaelson
Twitter Song - Ingrid Michaelson
(I'm not sure if this is at all interesting to you, but wherturver). The first and last ones on there aren't exactly real songs, but I skillfully got them into my itunes library =D!
Well thats all for now, I have a lot to talk about but no free time, so expect a HUGE monster post soon where I will talk about the last two weeks (teh musicalz!)
Song of the day - ^^^^ I think the highlights are Golden Train, Homecoming, and anything Ingrid Michaelson
Thursday, March 26, 2009
What I'm Looking For
What I'm Looking For - Brendan Benson
If you usually don't watch/listen to the songs I recommend, listen to this one. It really is a good song. Really the whole thing applies to me, and I am sure a lot of you will stop reading here but I am going to post the lyrics and talk about them and me:
Well I don't know what I'm looking for
But I know that I just want to look some more
And I won't be satisfied 'til there's nothing left that I haven't tried
For some people it's an easy choice
But for me there's a devil and an angel's voice
Well I don't know what I am looking for
But I know that I just wanna look some more -- Nothing to explain here, all just true
Well I don't know what I'm living for
But I know that I just wanna live some more -- I used to really feel strongly about this line, and then a little while ago I heard this song again and I didn't feel like I wanted to live some more (as in I just wanted to sleep and relax) but I am feeling that way again which is a good sign.
You hear it from strangers
And you hear it from friends
That love never dies
And love never ends -- Fine line, doesn't particularly apply to me but whatever
I don't want to argue
No, I don't want to fight
'Cause you're always wrong
And I'm always right -- I have never understood this line, maybe someday I will. I guess hes saying he thinks hes always right, which applies to me a lot.
Well I don't know what I'm living for
But I know that I just want to live some more
I used to be involved and I felt like a king
Now I've lost it all and i don't feel a thing -- So true right now
I may never grow up
I may never give in
And I blame this world that I live in -- Also true
I visit Hell on a daily basis
And I see the sadness in all your faces -- That seems more true as time has gone on, I don't really visit hell but I can be in a bad place sometimes and I feel like everyone else is too and that makes me sad
I've got friends who are married and their lives seem complete
And here I am still stumbling down a darkened street
A darkened street
And I act like a child
And I'm insecure
And I'm filled with doubt
And I'm immature
Sometimes it creeps up on me
And before I know it I'm lost at sea -- This verse is one of my all time favorite song verses. It just seems so true for me, everything there is true. I feel like other people have their lives so omuch more together, and I do all of that stuff.
But no matter how far I roam
I always find my way back home -- I never used to think this applied to me, but now I hope it does, it makes me feel optimistic that things are going to get better again, and I am currently "Lost at sea"
But I don't know what I've been waiting for
But I know that I don't wanna wait anymore -- Very true
*repeated chorus stuff*
Well I hope you enjoyed my love affair with that song, I am going to listen to it again and then finish my homework.
Musical opens tomorrow! =D
Monday, March 23, 2009
A wittle thing i've noticed about myself
What I mean is, when I'm in a bad situation I don't complain. I am just not really a complainer.
Well that is not really true. I do complain a lot, but it's more when I'm mad at people or they make decisions that are against what I thought was best, I will complain and talk about how it was a bad idea.
But what I'm trying to say is just that if I'm in a really crappy situation, I almost never complain. It is just because I don't see the use. All it is doing is pointing out what is wrong with what's going on, which to me doesn't make sense, it just makes you less happy. Because of this I have a low tolerance for pessimists or complainers, which is probably why I have been getting annoyed with certain people who's names I will not put here recently.
This reminds me of a semi-related thing, which is about Bugsy Malone, the show last year at the middle school. Sort of recently some people were talking about it and about how it was such a bad show, and I got kind of mad (in my head not out loud). In my opinion chorus members or tiny parts do not have the right to talk about a show being bad, as just a general thing. I feel like a lot of times they just only see the bad parts of a show and complain about them.
For Bugsy specifically, I thought we actually did a really good job. I mean the musical itself wasn't great, but a lot of people really liked it. The thing that sticks out in my mind most was a freshman (who would currently be a sophomore) said something like "Hey the show last night was really good. I wish we did stuff that good while I was there"
That sounds like a sincere feeling to me, and I guess I could be completely crazy but I really did think it was good. I mean in terms of leads, Trey was not great, but Aaron (Aron? Sp.) was fantastic, and I THINK I was pretty good. I mean I felt like I was doing well, and I know of at least one person who doesn't know me and thought I was good, so yeah. I mean again, I could be completely wrong, but I thought I did pretty well. And if 2/3 of the leads were good, in a show like that that pretty much means the show was good. So what was so bad about it?
That goes back to my idea of the people who had the small side parts shouldn't talk about it being a bad show when they really don't know that well and weren't a big part of it, and that also goes back to my realization that I am an optamistic non complainer.
Another thing, that is probably why I have never considered suicide or cutting. I mean there have been times when I thought about it, but it wasn't really thinking about it, it was thinking about considering doing it. I could never actually do anything like that to myself though, I just.. can't. I don't see why people do, and I never would. I mean I DO see why other people do, but I'm saying that kind of thought just doesn't occur to me. If I didn't already know about suicide or cutting, no thought even remotely like it would have ever crossed my mind.
I'm so hypocritical because I complain about my life so much on this blog and my other one, ha whatever. Recently I've been optimistic, and I am more towards that side than the negative side
Well i hope you enjoyed my ramblings, back to homework.
Song of the day - Viva La Vida - Coldplay
Me gusta mucho. That whole album is soo good
Random Childhood Memory: Stealth
When I had to go to the bathroom during lunch, the fastest route would be to go through the cafeteria. Now to make it more exciting, I would decide things like that I was a stealth ninja, or that the floor was lava, and I would press myself up against the blue wall. HERE IS A DIAGRAM TO EXPLAIN IT BETTER.
_____________ _ _______________________________ _ __
Bathroom _________________________________Entrance to Gym
(Ignore that bar I had to do it or blogspot would format it and get rid of the spaces)
So I would enter the Gym (the gym was also the cafeteria, I don't know if it is like that in all schools), and then press myself up against the wall facing the wall, arms spread wide also pushed against the wall, and slowly inch across. I would try and stand only on the very thing black rubber thing on the bottom that stuck out from the door.
As I did this, generally the lunch ladies would stare at me. They just stared. They probably talked afterwards.
One day, one said "What are you doing?". I think I responded with something similar to, "I'm being a secret agent" in a completely casual and understandable way. This didn't seem weird at all to me.
I can only imagine what the lunch ladies must have thought of me xD.
Song of the day - Ingrid Michaelson is amazing. I just got her album, I will do more specifics later, but really check her out. Actually here is one, check it out, it is the first song on her bliggity blog it's about twitter.
Also the clip from Ellen is amazing, I almost cried
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Ski bus home
I just was making this post to talk about the bus ride home. I don't know how it happened, but basically me Ben and Lauren got in a huge argument about whether or not MSSM was a good school, it literally went on for a little over an hour. For like 20 minutes I was okay with it, but after that I kept just being like "stop this is so annoying I don't want to argue" and everyone on the bus was starting to feel that way too.
Basically their main argument was that MSSM isn't a better school, it's just that better students go there. And also that colleges don't look at what school you go to. Both of those I think are completely ridiculous, but not having facts with me and nobody on my side they sounded a lot more convincing then me.
1.) If it is true that a school isn't better if it has better students, then basically good schools and bad schools don't exist, and it is impossible to tell what schools are better. If 65% of MSSM students get into their first choice school, and 60% of KHS students get into their first choice school, then MSSM is a better school (those two statistics are completely made up and not at all real by the way). If that is true, then no college, no high school, and no elementary school can be said to be better than another, because it is just about the students that go their, not how good the school is at educating. That is stupid and not true.
2.) Colleges definitely look at your school. They were saying they just choose whoever has the highest SAT score, which is also ridiculous. If a school has a good reputation (like being named the 12th or 13th best public high school in the country) then a college will look at that student more closely earlier, and be more interested in them. And if it ever (completely ridiculously and hypothetically) came down to two students with the exact same everything except school, they choose the one from the better school.
It was also annoying how ben kept talking about it as a nerd school. Every time I had no evidence about something they would call me out on it, but they still named the lie that kids there have bad social skills and are geeky as a fact and a reason to not go there. The kids there are all really social and outgoing, and I would not be going there if they weren't.
That was all I wanted to say. By the way, if it sounds like I am being snobby or thinking I am better than you, I am not. KHS is a really good school, I mean it's IB, and for people interested in stuff like music it is far better than MSSM. But, overall, MSSM is a better school, and that doesn't mean I think I am better or smarter than people who go to KHS.
Song of the day doesn't work very well when I am not in a happy mood... Oh well here is an unrelated one
You Don't Know Me (featuring Regina Spektor) - Ben Folds This is a really weird music video, but I kinda like how weird it is. If this is the first time you have heard this song, listen to it once without looking at the video. The video is sort of unrelated and has a completely different theme than the song, so you should hear both.
I was obsessed with this song over the summer (thanks to Zoe) because it is AMAZING! I loved Regina Spektor already and because of this song I have noticed that Ben Folds is also pretty snazzy. I really really love this song. I love the whole music of it, but one part I think is really cool and unique to the song is go to about 2:18 in the video, I love that part. Anyway, so yesterday this song came on my iTunes shuffle and I became very "I wish it was summer" nostalgic. It is still a wonderful song though, enjoy!
PS, I am about to make another post on a private blog that I have. If you want the address, ask me for it. I'm sure I will be willing to give the address to almost anyone who reads this, and if I wouldn't give it to you then you are probably someone who I don't like and is reading this blog without telling me. Anyway, if you want it ask for it, and if you already have it check it out for the other part to this post
Monday, March 16, 2009
Parents and Privacy
Really it is just invading their privacy. If someone doesn't want their parent to know something, they have the right to not tell them until they choose too. I mean they have lives that are separate from ours, and we should be able to have lives that are separate from theirs.
Another example that isn't as bad is I hate it when parents get facebook. I ignored both my parents when they friended me, because the fact is I don't act the same around my parents. I want to have a place where I can relax and be only with friends, and they shouldn't try to take that away.
I don't feel like putting the effort into making a well constructed argument against parents and stuff but I just wanted to say that I am mad at parents who do that, and they need to respect their childrens privacy.
I don't know what to do about song of the day... I feel like I should have an angry song...
ooh, I got one
We're Not Gonna Take It - Twisted Sister
wicked laggy video but... that one is worst quality but less laggy
Sunday, March 15, 2009
I am impressed with myself, this poll actually hurt my eyes it was so horrible when I first looked at it.
Anyway, sometimes when I'm bored I get random ideas for comics and I make them up on the mac equivalent to paint. They look really bad and are not very good, but I have no place to put them, so if you guys want to I will start putting them here.
This is a small post, but I guess I will still do this,
Song of the Day - I Can't Stay - The Killers
I have started listening to Day & Age (their most recent album) again. It isn't nearly as good as their old stuff, but I do like it. This song stood out to me for some reason, and I really like it.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Results to poll
As for song of the day, I got 5 votes for end of every post, and 1 vote for not doing it. So, from now on every post will end with the song of the day.
For how much people like the reviews, I got one for everything but not liking them at all. So I will definitely keep doing them, but I will try to make them slightly shorter and less serious.
Finally, for the ugliness of polls, it was a close race. My initial prediction was that I can't have babies would win, but in only managed to pull one vote. My Mexican Servant Jésus Just Quit Because He Saw This also managed to get one vote. Sometimes I Have Nightmares and Things Like This Are In Them and I Have to Choose Between Death or These Polls and I Choose Death, in my opinion one of the weaker opponents, also got one vote. In a shocking victory, making an unexpected comeback, the winner with 2 votes, was... They're Nice!!!!!! Congratulations! Last place goes to I Just Threw Up with 0 votes.
Hmm... what else do I have to blog about...
Oh! I am starting too things which will induce large sums of nostalgic goodness in the far future. The first is I am starting a journal. I decided to start this, because basically I sometimes felt like I wanted to say stuff about people in this blog, but I couldn't because of it being a blog. I realized the solution to that was a journal. So far I have only made one entry, but I will continue using it in the future.
The other is a sort of music catalog idea I had. Basically, the idea is that I will make an iTunes playlist for every month of my life in the future starting with March 09, and I will put all of the songs I find that month that I really like. Then I might compile them into a yearly list at the end of the year, or leave them like that, but the point is I think it is a really cool idea and will provide endless entertainment when I am bored in my future years.
Well that is about it...
Song of the Day - "Be OK" and "You and I" by Ingrid Michaelson and
As you have noticed, sometimes the song of the day can be more like "songs" of the day, but I will only do that when they are related in some way, like here I found out about this artist and so far these are the two songs I like
1:49 AM blog
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
By the way, if you didn't know, I currently do them on a separate website; (yay for semicolons probably used incorrectly!) here:
Song Of The Day: Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Anyway, Song of the day - Golden Train - Justin Nozuka
Morgan gave me this one, and I LOVE it. (I don't know what that video is, but the song is still good.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Air Band
So I lied. The thing I said about animals impressions and Lion king was in hope some upper classmen would read it and think it was going to be super lame, and then be surprised at it's awesome sexiness. So during rehearsals I felt like it was really awesome. Then when we preformed it people didn't seem like they loved it while we did it. We did get some decent feedback. It seemed like the general feeling was that it didn't suck like they thought it would, but it wasn't great. Also, a couple people said my worm was good which made me feel bueno.
Also, the whole thing with rosie, blech.
So basically it started out with Chelsea thinking up of doing Here it goes again (emily also did, but i think they came up with it seperately). Then we found out we couldn't, because no freestanding props. Then we decided to do it anyway because mr lewia convinced us that it would be good anyway. Then, first practice, Chelsea and Maria showed up late with an entire mix of different freshman themed completely different songs, which we decided to do. Then they coreographed the beginning. The next day, they came in with completely different (but in some ways similar) coreography. We managed to finish coreographing the entire thing (which included a lot of spontanious ideas and additions from people who weren't the original coreographers) about an hour before the last rehearsal ended, so we just ran it over and over.
Good story, right?
Basically, a summary of what we did. I think my favorite parts were the S-I-C-K part, the part where me and lauren walked on people's backs, and the worm line chelsea backflipping parts.
Well I'm sure my blogging has gotten boring, so I will end it
Songs of the day - My Name Is - Eminem
That's Not My Name - The Ting Tings
I Love College - Asher Roth (secretly not about high school freshman hehe)
What's My Age Again? - Blink-182
The theme is songs from air band (except one I don't know the name of, but it wasn't really a good one). Goddd air band was fun.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Spirit Week Dance!
When I got home, I was not going to see anyone. I did nothing that matters for a little while, washed my hair, and put on some deoderant because i figured i wouldn't smell great from wearing 3 layers and sweatpants all day plus doing dancing that involved a lot of running and pushing and stuff. Then I changed, and I actually looked like a human again!
Then Emily came, and she was with stephanie and helen. They had hung out earlier, but they were giving me a ride. The first thing stepahnie said was "You smell like axe". I felt very self concious paused and went, "well... that's because i'm wearing axe.." and she said "I didn't say that was a bad thing!" I still felt self concious though, I didn't mean to put that much on, but i guess it was overly noticable.
We arrived, and there was pretty much nobody there. I hung out with zac for a bit, and then just sort of tried to dance. Fairly early on, i ran into zoe and she looked a bit unhappy.
"Were you at Tim's? Who did you come with?"
"Uh.. Emily Helen and Stephanie"
I forget how she responded, but she seemed annoyed. Great, I realized, I wasn't invited to another thing.
I probably shouldn't say all of this stuff, but whatever. I will anyway, I don't really care if people read this.
Considering it was 3 hours, I will just say my general impressions. It was okay. In order of how good they were, the dances would go
Spirit Week
At least for me. Snowball had real dancing, and I love dancing so I loved that dance. Spirit Week had mostly grinding and some dancing, but the dancing wasn't that good. Then Homecoming was all grinding. I mean there is nothing wrong with grinding in my opinion, but it's almost not even comparable to dancing, they're just not the same thing. And I like dancing a bit more.
So that was my overall feeling, just that I liked the snowball more. Also, it annoyed me how every five seconds people would be like "this is lame". SHERT URP ERND DERNCE! It just wasn't great. I did have fun though. I am ready to leave KHS, but these are the things I am going to miss. Spirit week, plays, musicals, coffee houses, film festivals, I am really going to miss that stuff.
The best part of the dance was about an hour before it ended. They started announcing winners. I was right about the air band, seniors, juniors, freshman, sophomores. Then, the winners. I think first he announced sophomores in last place. Then, Seniors in second. (if i remember the order was really weird). Then, juniors in third. When he said that the freshman went crazy and then he said freshman won. It was so great, we were all yelling and loverliness. Yay life, FRESHMAN FO LIFE (until the end of the year)!
I want to learn to learn how to dance, like how to really dance. I should try, I will look up some basic breakdancing and some decent dancing stuff. I love dancing, just all of the kinds of it.
Song of the day: Why Don't You Get A Job? - The Offspring
I have started listening to OK Go The Offspring and Blink-182 again, and this came on me shuffle and I like it.
Last day of spirit week
The only kind of hair dye spray (i wish i knew what it was actually called so I didn't have to keep calling it random unnecessarily long names that are wrong) that wal-mart had was the kind with sparkles in it, so all day sparkles were falling out of my hair and on to everything. It was splendid.
Speaking of which, I hate wal-mart. I shop there as unoften as possible, but my mom makes me go there a lot, and sadly a lot of times they are the only place that has what i need. Also, the workers are terrible. Three different workers told me they had no washable hair spray color dye (fail) and then I found it by accident like half an hour later!
Anyway, I was also wearing orange shoes I bought there, and a black sweatshirt with orange fabric paint splattered on it. When I got to school, I also put on an orange shirt over my regular one. At school I also got an orange bandanna from emily and put that on. I love getting into stuff like that, it makes my life so much more exciting. Except I got so many weird looks from people that day, but it was still worth it.
First I had english. We spent the whole class doing FRAP stuff. I called a guy at stop and shop to ask if we could put up a donation bin, but the manager was out and he wasn't back until after class ended. I need to call him still.
Then I had bio. I spent a while the night before studying for a test on crayfish, but I studied all systems and appendages and he decided to ask a lot of questions about the exoskeleton and internal organs. I got a 75. Not terrible, but a lot worse than I expected.
After that, the hardness of my day was pretty much over. I had no work to do for the rest of the day, and I was feeling optimistic.
Then I had lunch. It was fine. The last two blue day lunches I had were amazing, so I was expecting that, but it was just fine. Not bad or good, really. I feel like ethans might find me annoying sometimes, and that Alienor might not like me, but I am also way overly self conscious so I might (hoping) be wrong. I get along with Sara very well though (we now have an epic facebook messaging conversation), and Caitlin is hilarious and I get along well with her too. Also Morgan came back!!!! Yay! And so did Emily and Stephanie, except I'm not sure if they are for good. I don't see the appeal of eating alone in Mr Lewia's room.
Then theater. We did scene work still. Theater has been less fun with all the scene work, but I still like it. I am behind on memorizing my lines, which might be why I don't like it. I am also to much of a perfectionist, it took me half an hour and the help of the entire class to figure out my characters objective last class. This class, it only took me like 5 minutes to come up with my reality of action (I think it was called, It was something i was trying to accomplish, i won't explain farther than that). Incidentally, I am doing a scene from the Odd Couple. I am playing a womanizing tough guy type, which is a little weird. Mimi says she chose that scene because she thought it would be a good way to take out some of my anger towards Kyle (who is playing a clean freak nerd type guy) xD. Anyway, sense everyone finished early we played improv games! yay! I love me some improv. We played the dating game.
I played one of the contestants, and Mimi had me as one of the back-up girls from the Single Ladies music video. The whole time I had my hand out in a "sassy" way and was talking like a black teenage sassy girl, and the whole time I was trying to think of a way to incorporate "If you like it then you should have put a ring on it" into the conversation.
Then the last question kyle (he was the bachelor, of course. I was a bachelorette) asked was "What is your opinion on marriage" and I was like YES!!!!, and then "Gurl, If you like it, then you GOTTA put a ring on it" It was greaaat. Except kyle hadn't scene the video, or heard the song. Then I proceeded to start doing the dance, and he still didn't get it, so we had to explain it.
It was still amazingly awesome!
At that point, I changed into my sweatpants for Air band (we were supposed to dress up jokingly overly gangster), and took off the inner inner shirt because i was getting hot.
Then off to Bio Sem. We played hangman, because we only had like 1o minutes. At the beginning of the class, he was like "alright take out your notes" and then 3 seconds later we were playing hangman and I was confused. Then I realized Mr Bennet was making a joke (I think?). He is so awkwardly funny sometimes. My favorite mr bennet joke is "alright, let's dim the lights like a middle school dance".
Then, finally, the assembly was called. I was SO excited!!!!!!!! We walked out and got in our place. First there was the race, where freshman failed miserably. The thing is, Emily Junker, and Coordination, don't go well together. Emily Junker, Chelsea Cardner, and a rope connecting them, go together horribly. We placed last. Then the tug of war. We would have placed last, but luckily the rope broke!!! It was so funny, I couldn't believe it had happened. It was great for us too, because then we didn't lose the points for that. Finally, the moment I had been waiting for. AIR BAND!!!!
I stepped out onto the gym floor, said a serious thing about not rolling to early when I walked on people, and then we did our chant which is "BADASS!" But we told people was mad class. Except the freshman were too obvious about it and like put is as their facebook statuses so everyone knew. I was mad. James Kill.
I got into position, and noticed that my shoes were a bit slippery, not much traction. Then the music started, and it all went by very fast. I felt like we were doing fine, but at the same time the crowd was giving like no feedback and it made me feel like everything we were doing was a lot lamer than it seemed in rehearsal. Then we got to the part where the song "That's not my name" by the ting tings came on. This was the only part in the song that I came up with the idea for. We all monkeyed into the middle, and then exploded out, and it was my favorite part. Then of course fucking Rosie Stimpson stepped on my foot, and I tripped and fell down. She fell too. I immediately got up, and began dancing again. It really ruined the whole thing for me, because all I could think about was how I messed up and how it made it worse. Bleh, i was so mad. I was as mad as I was at bram that time he skipped my line the play, probably more actually. It also just made me mad because i felt like I couldn't feel like we did a good job, because I personally messed up. I don't know how much worse that made it, and I would have been a lot happier with third place, if I didn't feel like it was partly mine/rosies fault.
After that it went fine. The end was the best part, and that was when we finally got the crowd to cheer. I walked on everybody, and then we all got into the line. Everyone was dancing in two lines, while Emmy and I (correct grammar alert) were doing the worm (I went all out, it was intense) on the outside. In the middle chelsea was doing crazy back handsprings and stuff. It was great, and I could definitely hear the crowd cheer then. Then we all go into positions, and dropped to form the 12.
Overall, I think it went fairly well. We were a whole lot better then people expected us to be, because freshman usually suck, and that's really the important part. Props go out to chelsea who pretty much did the entire thing.
Then the sophomores went. It was surprisingly bad. It was just very boring. A lot of standing around, and you couldn't hear the music at all. I expected it to be a lot better. They did west side story.
Then the juniors, which was great. Travis as the carpet from Aladdin at the beginning was the best part. They did a bunch of Disney movie stuff.
Then the seniors went, and they were really really great. They did pirates of the Caribbean, and they had this huge fight scene which was amazing, and visually just looked great.
My prediction was it would go Seniors, Juniors, Us, then sophomores. I was a little disappointed that the juniors and seniors were really good though, because I originally felt like ours was going to place well.
A couple people were talking about how the freshman and the seniors would be disqualified for throwing off sweatshirts/swords, but I was pretty sure they were wrong. If they took anything off, it would be taking 5 points because that was all it was worth. I turned out to be right
Then we had play practice. It sucked that we had to stay so long, because we didn't get out until almost 4:30. I am starting to like my character more, though. Initially he seemed boring, but Mr Lewia has shown me how he is making my character funny, and it should turn out well. I feel like I'm not doing well right now, but I'm hoping it's just because thats the beginning.
I spent most of the rehearsal talking to Zac and James and Emily and hannah. I'm becoming better friends with Zac and James, which is good because they are both hilarious. James is another person I felt like didn't like me at first, but I feel like that has passed. The best moments were me and James talking about my weekly schedule "Yeah, thursday is the day I have sex with your mom. Friday is the day I have sex with my six girlfriends... Wednesday is spagetti night" It started out as a lame joke but with the ongoing additions to it throughout our conversation it became hilarious.
SUPER RANDOM UNRELATED THING: I am obsessed with burt's bees lip balm. I just got it because my lips were getting way to chapped and stuff, but it's addicting. It like makes your lips tingle when you put it on, hehe.
Then I got a ride home with emily because rehearsal went late and i missed the late bus.
Overall, it was a really good day and I liked it a lot. I feel like my life is starting to get better again. Oh, on that subject. Remember my whole random symbolism thing? I have another one. So I have not been liking the office very much this season, or really any tv shows that I normally love. And it felt like my whole life was like that, the "it was better last season" feeling. Anyway, so i've been watching old episodes of the office a lot recently. seasons 2 and 3, my favorite. I have also been thinking about 8th grade a lot. Today a new episode of the office was on, and I watched it, and I really enjoyed it. It wasn't hilarious, and it wasn't as funny as the old episodes, but it had some good emotional parts, it was very real, and I laughed out loud a decent amount of times. I realized the reason I haven't loved the old episodes of the office that much is just because i have already seen them. I know the plots, the stories, and in some cases I remember the jokes. But then this new episode episode came, and it wasn't as good, but I still really enjoyed it. I sometimes feel like attitude is really everything, and this was one of those times. I feel like I'm starting to be happy again.
Oh, another thing that happened. Basically every day in bio sem, there is annoyingness over chairs. The first day I sat in the back corner. Then I missed the next day. The day after that charlie Haritos was gone, so i sat in his chair. Same the next day. Then Charlie came back. He had claimed the seat he sat in as his seat, Kaitlin and and Maddy had sat in the same seat every single day, and robert had claimed the seat i sat in the first day as his. I had no seat. I just sat in the chair in front of that table for that day. Later Mr. Bennet Let me sit in the front part of the table, sort of added on. Every time I would try to sit in roberts or anyones everyone would be like NOO that's roberts seat! Then later, we were picking partners for our lab. When charlie wasn't here, i did it with robert. Then Charlie came back. Maddy picked kaitlin, and robert and charlie decided to work together. Again, I had nobody. I ended up working with Ben and Silas, which worked out okay, but I was still unhappy about being left out.
Then today, I arrived sorta early. I sat down in roberts seat, and asked Kaitlin if maddy and robert were here. She didn't know. Then Maddy sat down. I asked her if robert was here, and she said something like "I don't know. Just sit there, who cares". I was really surprised. Normally I would have expected everyone to tell me to leave. Then robert walked in, looked at the table, and sat down in the chair in front. He didn't even say anything. Maybe it was just because it was a short class, but I was still very surprised, and happy.
This post is getting way to long so I will make a new one for the dance
Song of the day: My Life Would Suck Without You and I Do Not Hook Up - Kelly Clarkson
No I am not a teenage girl, but Morgan sent me 3 of the songs on her album, and i like these equally.